SEO in the Age of AI – Artists (and the organizations that represent them)

PD Session

ALT Hotel - Orange Room

Sunday, 5 November

9:30am - 10:50am


Despite its remarkable progress, AI still struggles to make sense of the performing arts. But if we tell AI exactly what kind of information is on a webpage, it is more likely to find, share and recommend that information to artsgoers.

In this session, you will learn how to use Entity SEO and other discoverability tools to make artist profiles more meaningful for the latest Web technologies. By putting a few key recommendations into practice, you can harness the power of these technologies to  heighten the findability of artists online!

This session will be particularly helpful for agents/managers, service organizations and anyone who publishes profiles of individual artists or artistic groups on their own website.


Frédéric Julien

Frédéric Julien has been active in the performing arts for several years as an arts administrator, a researcher, an advocate, and a change maker. Frédéric has been leading research and development activities at the Canadian Arts Presenting Association since 2010. In this capacity, he has directed or authored several key research initiatives such as: The Value of Presenting, Arts and Belonging, Digitizing the Performing Arts, and Indigenous Artists and Wikidata. Since 2018, Frédéric has been leading the Linked Digital Future Initiative, a multi-prong initiative that seeks to foster digital discoverability, collaboration and a data-centric transformation of the performing arts. An active volunteer, Frédéric has served as Co-Chair of the Canadian Arts Coalition, and board member of Arts Health Network Canada.